Ex: Can you prepare ω?\ket{\omega}?

Time Limit: 3 sec

Memory Limit: 512 MiB

Score: 600

Writer: PSL


Solution (1): Combining Grover's Algorithm with the π/3\pi/3 Phase Shift Method

Just like in the QPC001 - Problem C2, we can use a quantum algorithm known as fixed-point amplitude amplification to prepare arbitrary quantum states

One variant of fixed-point amplitude amplification is Grover's π/3\pi/3 phase shift method, which has the desirable property of "monotonically increasing" the probability amplitude of the desired computational basis state as the number of iterations increases. However, compared to Grover's algorithm, which also amplifies amplitudes, the π/3\pi/3 phase shift method is known to be inefficient in terms of query complexity1 (comparable to classical computation). For more details on the π/3\pi/3 phase shift method, refer to the editorial of QPC001 C2.

In this problem, we can efficiently prepare the state ω\ket{\omega} by skillfully combining Grover's algorithm with the π/3\pi/3 phase shift method.

Let's consider different cases based on the value of the real number PP.

Case where P>0.06P > 0.06 (Using Only the π/3\pi/3 Phase Shift Method)

Consider recursively applying the π/3\pi/3 phase shift method mm times.

In this case, the maximum error probability ((10.06)3m(1 - 0.06)^{3^m}) and the required number of R()R(\cdot) gates can be summarized as follows:

Number of R(π/3)R(\pi/3)0141340
Maximum error rate0.940.830.570.190.0067

Therefore, by applying the method four times, we can sufficiently reduce the error.

If P0.06P \leq 0.06, the required number of R()R(\cdot) gates would be 121, which violates the constraints.

Case where 0.02P0.060.02 \leq P \leq 0.06 (Combining Grover's Algorithm with the π/3\pi/3 Phase Shift Method)

Consider the use of Grover's algorithm. We define S\ket{S}, RS(θ)R_S(\theta) and $R_\omega(\theta) by

S:=U0RS(θ):=U(I(1eiθ)00)U=I(1eiθSS)Rω(θ):=I(1eiθ)ωω.\begin{align} \ket{S} &:= U\ket{0}\\ R_S(\theta) &:= U(I - \left(1 - e^{i\theta})\ket{0}\bra{0}\right)U^{\dagger} = I - (1-e^{i\theta}\ket{S}\bra{S})\\ R_\omega(\theta) &:= I - (1 - e^{i\theta})\ket{\omega}\bra{\omega}. \end{align}

By defining ωS2=sin2(θ/2)\left|\braket{\omega \mid S}\right|^2 = \sin^2(\theta/2) and S=(Ssin2(θ/2)ω)/cos(θ/2)\ket{S'} = (\ket{S} - \sin^2(\theta/2)\ket{\omega})/\cos(\theta/2), we have

S=sin(θ/2)ω+cos(θ/2)SωS=0SS=1.\begin{align} \ket{S} &= \sin(\theta/2)\ket{\omega} + \cos(\theta/2)\ket{S'}\\ \braket{\omega \mid S'} &= 0\\ \braket{S' \mid S'} &= 1. \end{align}

Now, by denoting the vector after applying Grover's amplitude amplification mm times as Sm\ket{S_m}, we have

S0=S=sin(θ/2)ω+cos(θ/2)SSm=RS(π)Rω(π)Sm1.\begin{align} \ket{S_0} &= \ket{S} = \sin(\theta/2)\ket{\omega} + \cos(\theta/2)\ket{S'}\\ \ket{S_m} &= -R_S(\pi)R_\omega(\pi)\ket{S_{m-1}}. \end{align}

Solving this, Sm\ket{S_m} can be expressed as

Sm=sin((m+12)θ)ω+cos(m+12)S.\begin{equation} \ket{S_m} = \sin\left(\left(m + \frac{1}{2}\right)\theta\right) \ket{\omega} + \cos\left(m + \frac{1}{2}\right)\ket{S'}. \end{equation}

Thus, we can find ωSm2=sin2((m+12)θ)sin2(mθ)\left|\braket{\omega \mid S_m}\right|^2 = \sin^2\left((m + \frac{1}{2})\theta\right) \approx \sin^2(m\theta).

Since PP is small enough, the inequality Psin2(θ/2)4PP \leq \sin^2(\theta/2) \leq 4P leads to the following approximate inequality:

2Pθ24P\begin{equation} 2\sqrt{P} \leq \theta \leq 2\sqrt{4P} \end{equation}

Based on these results, we apply Grover's algorithm by setting m=π/(44P)m = \pi/(4\sqrt{4P}).

sin2(m2P)sin2(mθ)sin2(m24P)sin2(π4)=0.5ωSm21=sin2(π2)\begin{align} \sin^2(m\cdot2\sqrt{P}) \leq \sin^2(m\theta) \leq \sin^2(m \cdot 2\sqrt{4P})\\ \sin^2\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right) = 0.5 \leq \left|\braket{\omega \mid S_m}\right|^2 \leq 1 = \sin^2\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right) \end{align}

Moreover, since π/(44P)9\pi/(4\sqrt{4P}) \leq 9, you can reduce the error probability to 0.5 or less by performing amplitude amplification no more than 9 times.

Finally, by recursively applying the π/3\pi/3 phase shift method with Sm=G0\ket{S_m} = G\ket{0} and U0=GU_0 = G, the maximum error probability ((10.5)3m(1 - 0.5)^{3^m}) and the required number of R()R(\cdot) gates can be summarized as follows:

Number of R(π)R(\pi), R(π/3)R(\pi/3)92885
Maximum error rate0.50.1250.002

Therefore, you can achieve the correct answer with no more than 85 applications of the R()R(\cdot) gates.

Sample Code

Below is a sample program:

import math
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
def R_0(n: int, theta: float) -> QuantumCircuit:
    qc = QuantumCircuit(n)
    if n == 1:
        qc.p(theta, 0)
        qc.mcp(theta, list(range(n - 1)), n - 1)
    return qc
def Grover(n: int, P: float, U, R) -> QuantumCircuit:
    qc = QuantumCircuit(n)
    cnt = int(math.pi / (4 * (4 * P) ** 0.5))
    qc.compose(U(), inplace=True)
    for _ in range(cnt):
        qc.compose(R(math.pi), inplace=True)
        qc.compose(U().inverse(), inplace=True)
        qc.compose(R_0(n, math.pi), inplace=True)
        qc.compose(U(), inplace=True)
    return qc, cnt
def PhaseShift(n: int, U_s, R) -> QuantumCircuit:
    qc = QuantumCircuit(n)
    qc.compose(U_s, inplace=True)
    qc.compose(R(math.pi / 3), inplace=True)
    qc.compose(U_s.inverse(), inplace=True)
    qc.compose(R_0(n, math.pi / 3), inplace=True)
    qc.compose(U_s, inplace=True)
    return qc
def solve(n: int, P: float, U, R) -> QuantumCircuit:
    U_s, cnt_R = Grover(n, P, U, R)
    while 3 * cnt_R + 1 <= MAX_R_COUNT:
        U_s = PhaseShift(n, U_s, R)
        cnt_R = 3 * cnt_R + 1
    return U_s

Solution (2): Fixed-point Quantum Search with an Optimal Number of Queries [1]

As mentioned in Solution (1), Grover's π/3\pi/3 phase shift method is inefficient in terms of query complexity compared to Grover's algorithm. Therefore, simply applying the π/3\pi/3 phase shift method alone cannot solve this problem.

However, in 2014, an algorithm was proposed that achieves fixed-point amplitude amplification while maintaining the almost same efficiency as Grover's algorithm [1].

Thus, by applying this algorithm, you can solve the problem effectively.

The required number of applications of the R()R(\cdot) gate can be reduced to 11 or fewer. This is the square root of what π/3\pi/3 phase shift method requires, which is 121121.

Sample Code

Below is a sample program:

import math
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from scipy.special import eval_chebyt
def R_0(n: int, theta: float) -> QuantumCircuit:
    qc = QuantumCircuit(n)
    if n == 1:
        qc.p(theta, 0)
        qc.mcp(theta, list(range(n - 1)), n - 1)
    return qc
# Calculate the minimum number of query L
def calculate_L(delta: float, lambda_: float) -> int:
    L = int(math.ceil(math.log(2 / delta) / math.sqrt(lambda_)))
    # Check if L is odd
    if L % 2 == 0:
        L += 1
    return L
def calculate_gamma(L: int, delta: float) -> float:
    # Calculate the Chebyshev polynomial T_{1/L}(1/δ)
    chebyshev_value = eval_chebyt(1 / L, 1 / delta)
    # γ is the inverse of the Chebyshev value
    return 1 / chebyshev_value
# Define the fixed-point Grover's algorithm
def fixed_point_grover(n: int, delta: float, lambda_: float, U, R) -> QuantumCircuit:
    L = calculate_L(delta, lambda_)
    # Calculate the angles for Grover's iteration
    gamma = calculate_gamma(L, delta)
    angles = [
        -2 * math.atan(1 / (math.tan(2 * math.pi * j / L) * math.sqrt(1 - gamma**2)))
        for j in range(1, L // 2 + 1)
    qc = QuantumCircuit(n)
    qc.compose(U(), inplace=True)
    for alpha, beta in zip(angles, reversed(angles)):
        qc.compose(R(beta), inplace=True)
        qc.compose(U().inverse(), inplace=True)
        qc.compose(R_0(n, alpha), inplace=True)
        qc.compose(U(), inplace=True)
    return qc
def solve(n: int, P: float, U, R) -> QuantumCircuit:
    delta = 0.01
    lambda_ = P
    return fixed_point_grover(n, delta, lambda_, U, R)



  1. The query complexity refers to the number of times the oracle R()R(\cdot) is applied in this problem.