In problem A4, we prepared the superposition state 21∣00⟩+21(∣10⟩+∣01⟩), composed of the three computational basis states ∣00⟩, ∣10⟩, and ∣01⟩.
In this problem, we establish a uniform superposition of these states, changing their probability amplitudes to 1/3.
This can be achieved by replacing the Hadamard gate in Equation (1) of editorial A4 with a rotation gate. If we can find a rotation gate R which acts on the left qubit to transform the initial ∣00⟩ state to 31∣00⟩+32∣10⟩, then the subsequent controlled-Hadamard and controlled-X gates would produce our desired uniform superposition:
We will now find the axis of rotation and the angle to perform such a transformation.
An arbitrary state ∣ψ⟩ of a single qubit can be expressed by two angle parameters, θ and ϕ, as follows:
The method of representing the quantum state of one qubit on the surface of a sphere with radius 1 is called the Bloch sphere, and by using phase gates and rotation gates based on the angular parameters θ and ϕ, it is possible to transition any one-qubit state to any other arbitrary state.
Bloch sphere
Let us find the Bloch angular parameters θ and ϕ for the state 31∣00⟩+32∣10⟩.
Since the imaginary component is 0, we can set ϕ=0, and establish the following system of equations:
By solving the above equation within the range 0≤θ<2π, we obtain the following solution:
Looking at the Bloch sphere, we see that the angle parameter θ represents the rotation angle about the y-axis.
Thus, using the Ry gate, which is a rotation gate about the y-axis, we can implement the rotation by θ0 to achieve the transition
As a result, the problem can be solved through the following transitions: